Joe Børg english version below
Der Kölner Fotograf Joe Børg spielt mit Assoziationen, Klischees und Erwartungen – und zeigt uns einmal mehr, über welch manipulative Kraft Bilder verfügen. Denn seine an altmeisterliche Gemälde erinnernden, virtuos ausgeleuchteten Fotografien zeigen augenscheinlich Lenin, Abraham Lincoln, Solschenizyn und Fidel Castro; sind de facto aber Selbstinszenierungen von Børg, der sich als Fassade benutzt, um hinter der detailverliebten, überhöhten Stilisierung seiner Heroen zu verschwinden.
Das Prinzip der geborgten Identität wirkt dabei verstörend authentisch und nimmt Anleihen bei der klassischen Performancekunst. Die Angleichung von Frisuren, Kostümen und Posen wird zu einer akribischen Mimikry, in deren Verlauf die Grenze zwischen Realität und Fiktion, zwischen Darsteller und Dargestelltem zunehmend verschwimmt. Was auch als Kritik am Selfie- und Photoshop-Wahn unserer Tage gedeutet werden kann: Dürfen Menschen auf Fotos überhaupt noch wie sie selbst aussehen? Was ist noch real? Børg stellt unsere Wahrnehmung infrage und nutzt Heroen der Historie, aber auch fiktive Ikonen wie Walter „Breaking Bad“ White, um den Blick auf uns selbst zu richten.
(Text: Yorca Schmidt-Junker)
Amy Lin
Every era has its icons – heroes whose actions and ideas are so fascinating that numerous people want to be just like them. Some are real and some are fictional, but they all have one thing in common – legions of fans and followers that look up to them and hope that one day, they’ll be as inspirational as their idols. Cologne-based photographer Joe Børg explores the concept of iconization by taking on the appearance of various idols from history and popular culture. The result of this complex and thought-provoking endeavor will be on display at a pop-up exhibition at 30works gallery in Cologne.
Left : Joe Børg – Black Eyed / Right : Joe Børg – Iljitsch
Joe Børg Transformes into His Icons
In his latest body of work Joe Børg blurs the line between fiction and reality by transforming himself into several outstanding people. By employing the suitable hairstyles, outfits and facial expressions, the artist turned himself into an array of iconic individuals including Abraham Lincoln, Lenin and Fidel Castro. Apart form the well-known historical figures, the artist also utilizes pop culture icons, such as the character of Walter from the award winning television show Breaking Bad. These photographic portraits convey the notion of old master paintings achieved with amazing illumination that makes the images seem at the same time authentic and unreal. The artist uses the principle of borrowed identity, often present in classical performance art, to completely hide himself behind these iconic characters. And as an iconic image emerges, the artist himself disappears behind this stylish facade.
Photoshop, Selfies and I-conization
The upcoming I-conization solo show also deals with the omnipresent social media and selfie culture. Joe Børg opposes the photoshop madness that turns ordinary people into an unrealistic and sometimes comical figures and wonders whether we’re even allowed to look like ourselves in the photographs we share with the public. By employing elements of performance art and his outstanding photographic skills, artist creates an array of artworks that are at the same time dignified and captivating, but also disturbing and eerie.
Left : Joe Børg – Walter / Right : Joe Børg – Risse